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DNet Intranet

DNet Mockup w- black background.png

Project Background

When designing a company intranet platform, it was important for me to understand the business' areas of focus and the specific functionalities they want easily accessible. One way to better understand these functionalities is to have the owner or stakeholders collaborate in the overall layout and areas of focus. I crafted an easy to follow presentation so those stakeholders can easily see each design choice and the principles or rationale behind those choices. The presentation and graphics below show:

  1. The Project Brief

  2. The Finished Product

  3. The Presentation of Design Choices With Accompanying Rationale

1. Project Brief

The project brief gives some insight into the areas and functions the company wants to highlight or focus on. The "Business Must Haves:" portion provides the most important sections and require us to make special efforts to provide intuitive interaction with both hierarchy and information architecture. The "Add-ons:" portion of the brief relays the idea that many of the secondary functions will need to be customizable, probably depending on the user's specific role in the company.

Dnet Screenshot.png

2. Final Product 

Below is a PNG image of the DNet Platform I designed for the client. All of the design choices were based primarily on wants and needs laid out in the document above, and also on user research conducted for this project and conducted for similar projects I've done recently.

DNET Final Design Layout.png

3. My Design Choices...... Explained

To invite collaboration from the client and any other stakeholders, I have created an interactive prototype that highlights the design choices, breaks them down to more manageable elements, and outlines the methods and ideas behind those choices. View the presentation by clicking the image below or by clicking here.

DNET Final Design Layout.png


When working with stakeholders and owners, I always want to ensure we are on the same page when designing a product like their intranet.  The step-by-step choices in the presentation were derived by using research to find the most commonly used pages in a certain sector of business and the areas ownership focused on while compiling the brief.  

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